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The Society for Hawaiian Archaeology is a registered tax-exempt organization established in 1980 to:

  • Promote and stimulate interest and research in the archaeology of the Hawaiian Islands
  • Encourage a more rational public appreciation of the aims and limitations of archaeological research
  • Serve as a bond among those interested in Hawaiian archaeology, both professionals and non-professionals, and aid in directing their efforts into more scientific channels as well as encourage the publication of their results
  • Advocate and assist in the conservation of archaeological data
  • Discourage unethical commercialism in the archaeological field and work for its elimination.
  • The Society’s journal Hawaiian Archaeology was established in 1984.

Members of the Society agree to support the principles of the organization.
For more information, please see the Constitution and Code of By-Laws of the Society.

Officers 2022 - 2024

President: Mara Mulrooney

Vice-President: Summer Moore 

Treasurer: Scott Belluomini

Recording Secretary: Alexandra Bennicas

Communications Secretary: Angus Raff-Tierney

Standing Committee Chairs

Education: Seth Quintus

Legislative: Ashlyn Weaver

Publications: Jillian Swift

Standards & Ethics: Kirsten Vacca

Student Representative: Steven Powell

Public Relations: Ana Tejeda-Pelkey

Conference Committee Chair: Tanya Lee-Greig

Officers 2020 - 2022

President: Mara Mulrooney

Vice-President: Scott Belluomini

Treasurer: Charmaine Wong

Recording Secretary: Summer Moore

Communications Secretary/Webmaster: Angus Raff-Tierney

Standing Committee Chairs

Education: Seth Quintus

Legislative: Vacant

Publications: Jillian Swift

Standards & Ethics: Kirsten Vacca

Student Representative: Kylie Tuitavuki

Public Relations: Ana Tejeda

Conference Committee Chair: Alexandra Bennicas