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2022 conference oahu

September 30 to October 2 Bernice Pauahi Bishop Museum, Honolulu, O‘ahu, Hawaiʻi

“Pūpūkahi i Holomua”
Unite to Move Forward

This year’s conference theme, Pūpūkahi i Holomua, can be translated into English as “unite to move forward.” Although there are many things we can accomplish alone, this ōlelo no‘eau teaches us that together, we can better move forward to achieve shared goals. After the hardships collectively experienced over the past couple of years, the objective of this year’s Annual SHA Conference is simply to come together, reconnect, and share ideas so we may continue to work together in the field of archaeology in Hawai‘i. We hope this is an exciting opportunity to not only see old faces, but also to build relationships with individuals who are new to the field or share mutual interests in Wahi Kūpuna Stewardship. The conference committee has invited Kali’uokapa’akai Collective to provide the Keynote Address.

October 2-3, 2021: Virtual Conference

“I ka wā ma mua, i ka wā ma hope”
Looking to the past to inform the present and future.

The 2021 conference theme is applicable to archaeology in many ways. We can apply it directly to seek answers to large scale dilemmas we face as a society, through scientific inquiry, but we can also apply it to our own archaeological community. By acknowledging our past, we can find ways for the field of Hawaiian archaeology to better serve the people of Hawaiʻi.

Poster for the SHA 2020 Conference

October 10-11, 2020: Virtual Conference

‘ōlelo no‘eau"
Wield the paddles together.

The 2020 conference theme is especially essential: Working together makes a difficult journey possible.

The wa‘a, or canoe, was the most important vessel of transportation for the ancient Hawaiian people. Led by a canoe expert, it took entire families coming together to build a canoe in ancient times. Paddling together, facing many challenges along the way, Pelehonuamea brought her family from their ancient homelands to the islands of Hawai‘i.

October 25-27, 2019: Kona, Hawaiʻi

"I Kahiki ka ua, ako ʻē ka hale"
A Changing Climate for Hawaiian Archaeology

Our conference theme ōlelo noʻeau can be translated into English as “while the rain is still far away, thatch the house.” The meaning may be succinctly stated as “be prepared.” But, are Hawaiian archaeologists prepared for a rapidly changing climate?

October 5-7, 2018: Hilo, Hawaiʻi

"Hoʻopaepae Kaiāulu"
A Changing Climate for Hawaiian Archaeology

2018 focused on Hawaiian archaeology in the broader context, particularly as it relates to rebuilding communities. There were opportunities to learn and engage with long-time professionals, budding students, and community practitioners, all of whom share a deep reverence for the preservation and perpetuation of Hawaiian archaeology and Hawaiian culture.

September 29 - October 1, 2017: Oahu, Hawaiʻi

Field Trips, receptions, poster sessions, and field trips to various locations across Oahu.

Fish Hook

October 7-9, 2016: University of Hawaii-Maui, Hawaii

"Liʻu i ka paʻakai"
Seasoned and Preserved in Salt

Salt is used to season and preserve various foods in Hawaiʻi –ʻōpelu, akule, ʻahi, and aku, to name just a few. Salt adds flavor to the fish, but the fish itself is the substance and sustenance. There are, however, other connotations associated with salt. Salt preserves yet also leaves residues. These metaphors for archaeological work are striking. Similarly, traditional Hawaiian knowledge systems sustain many people, even today. They thrive through perpetuation of Hawaiian culture, practices, chants, stories, and the physical remains of yesterday. In our work as archaeologists, we have a responsibility to our community and a responsibility to the subject(s) of our research. Scholarship in Hawaiʻi can thus be thought of as “liʻu i ka paʻakai.”

Just as the salt seasons the fish, archaeology can add to the substance of Hawaiʻi.

October 10-12, 2014: Hilo, Hawai’i


The 2014 Society of Hawaiian Archaeology conference took place at the UH Hilo Hawaiian Studies Hale’olelo building, with other activities and gatherings around historic Hilo town.​

October 11-13, 2013: Bishop Museum, Honolulu, Hawai’i

"Hawai‘i in the Context of the Pacific"

The 2013 Society for Hawaiian Archaeology Conference provided us with an opportunity to strengthen the field of Hawaiian archaeology in Hawai‘i and the wider Pacific Islands.

Conference participants to explored our understanding of Hawaiian archaeology from a broader regional perspective.